Thursday, January 20, 2011

Geoff Mantler, chief RCMP dickhead.

1 comment:

  1. Police Brutality is a symptom of a much bigger problem, the absence of accountability is the public’s vilest enemy. We can request charges but crown prosecuting attorneys are put in place by the crown to make sure police never get prosecuted, very rarely do we ever see an officer face consequence’s for crimes, even for murder. The most common punishment for police crimes is time off with pay. For instance the Ian Bush murder that took place in Houston BC. The only officer who was punished was the officer who tried to exposes the murdering officer for the execution of Bush. Many first nations murders have been deemed no foul play suspected. A first nations teenage in Thunder Bay who was found by a church group, who informed APTN media that the young girl was found with her pants down to her knees along with her panties but police falsified the evidence to hide the murder. The police report read NO FOUL PLAY SUSPECTED. How can we have them investigated for murder when they control the evidence? They have to be dealt with by a higher power we are dealing with a powerful terrorist group white supremacy is terrorism no matter how you view it,
